Saturday, January 6, 2018

The Colosseum

Over the summer I went to Rome and of course I wanted to visit the most iconic site in the entire seven-hilled city: the Colosseum.  Fun fact: the Colosseum was only a nickname for the giant gladiator arena.  It was originally titled "the Flavian Amphitheatre" after the name of the dynasty of Roman emperors ruling at the time, the Flavian Dynasty.  It was started by Vespasian and financed by his many plunders and conquests of new territories, most notably of the Levant and modern-day Israel.  It gained its nickname due to the nearby giant of Nero nearby, known as the Colossus of Nero (or Colossus for short).  It is said that whenever someone wanted to know where the Flavian Amphitheatre was located, people said that it was located near the Colossus, and the name stuck.

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